Currently for SALE

We raise quality toy and miniature
australian shepherd puppies, along with
performance bred barrel racing prospects , and a
mini and toy aussie stud service at our home in
Texas.   Please feel free to contact me with any
questions that you may have about his breed that
dearly love and enjoy on a daily basis
.Alabama        Indiana        Nebraska        South Carolina
  1. Alaska         Iowa        Nevada        South Dakota Arizona        Kansas         New Hampshire        
  2. Arkansas        Kentucky        New Jersey         Texas
  3. California        Louisiana        New Mexico        Utah
  4. Colorado        Maine        New York        Vermont
  5. Connecticut         Maryland        North Carolina        Virginia
  6. Delaware        Massachusetts         North Dakota        Washington
  7. Florida        Michigan        Ohio         West Virginia
  8. Georgia        Minnesota        Oklahoma        Wisconsin
  9. Hawaii        Mississippi        Oregon        Wyoming
  10. Idaho         Missouri        Pennsylvania        Illinois        Montana
  11. Rhode Island        Texas Barrel Horses | Texas Barrel Racing
    Horses |
  12. Texas Miniature Australian ShepherdsTexas Miniature
    Australian Shepherd Breeders | Texas Miniature Australian
    Shepherds For Sale |
  13. Texas Toy Australian Shepherds For Sale | Texas Miniature
    Aussie Puppies | Texas Toy Aussie
  14. Puppies | Texas Toy Australian Shepherd Breeders
Miniature Australian Shepherd Puppies for SaleTexas mini aussie breeders,texas mini aussie puppies

We have for sale red merle, blue merle , black tri and red tri's, not to
mention an occasional blue eyed mini aussie puppy.
Our Miniature Australian Shepherds came to us thru a friend and
we have owned them ever since.  Myself and my boys are the
primary caretakers of the  dogs and puppies. So you can rest
assured that your puppy is handled and spoiled on a daily basis.
We enjoy raising a few select litters for our own personal
enjoyment and to help teach the boys about the responsibility and
love required in caring  for young animals.
mini aussies tx, mini aussie puppies tx, mini
aussies, toy and mini aussies, mini aussies
in tx, toy and mini aussies tx, miniture
australian shepherd puppies tx, toy and
miniture australian shepherds, toy aussies,
toy australian sheperd puppies, toy aussies
in tx, toy aussies tx, toy and mini aussies in
tx, miniture austrailan sheperd dogs,
miniture australian shepherd pups tx, aussie
pups, aussie puppies, toy aussie pups tx, toy
aussie pups

RockinC Quarter Horses
At our place myself , my husband and two boys raise, train, and
sell performance horse prospects, barrel horses, and
Miniature/Toy Australian Shepherds.  
We pride ourselves in producing quality horses with out shortcuts,
that can go on to perform in a competition event..  We are proud to
have owned and sold a select number of high caliber horses with
great bodies, minds, and heart  .Our focus is to raise and train our
own.  We usually have a great feel, from both a temperament and
performance aspect by the time they are broke.
Puppy Choice(M/F)Color